
Medical center manages patient’s x-ray report from doctors more  efficiently

My Role:

System designer, DB designer, Lead Backend and Frontend Developer

Used Technologies:

Python, Tkinter, AWS S3, Django, MySQL, SQLite, Html, CSS, Bootstrap, JS, gitlab

Project Details

This Project contain 3 separate part. Desktop Application, Web Application, Script to connect Desktop and Web application.

Role: System Designer, DB Designer, Lead Developer.
Used Technologies: Python, Tkinter, AWS S3, MySql, SQLite, Multiprocessing.

  • Branch wise different medical center setup this application with settings info and unique token for each branch which is generated while registering into web application.
  • Used python Socket to develop function which receives DCM(x-ray file with meta data) file from port.
  • Check for DCM file into specific folder in a time period to read(used openCV) it, get all meta data(patient, test details), save into multiple Databases(MySQL & SQLite as local DB, MySQL as cloud DB)(Used MySQL connector& cursor), create a .jpg format imge of x-ray image from pixel data of DCM file, upload files into AWS S3.
  • Multiprocessing has been used to keep running Tkinter window smoothly during file processing and to process multiple file at a time.
  • Track activities like file reading, Changing into DB, updating settings, login, logout and save as log data.
  • Error messaging if any error happened.
  • Test details info and activity can be managed.

Role: System Designer, DB Designer, Lead Backend and Frontend Developer.
Used Technologies: Python, Django, Django ORM, AWS S3, MySql, JS, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap.

  • Django Authentication System is used and modified where needed to develop this system’s User Authenticaton processes for different user type & role.
  • Admin role create other type of users(client, branch manager, doctor) and new user change password with email varification for first time login.
  • Admin assign doctors for client’s branch and provide the unique token to the branch to use into desktop application.
  • Admin monitor and manage clients, branches, doctors, tests and their monthly account and payment details.
  • Clients and Branch Managers monitor their tests and test reports(reports can be downloaded into word and pdf format), view there monthly personal account and payment info.
  • Doctor can view patient’s(assigned to him/her) test details, view jpg images(multiple x-ray images) with zoom functionalities, download/view(into DCM viewer) DCM files, can save report, edit report, preview report, send/publish report(client/branch can view or download if report is published) for test.
  • Doctors can view personal monthly accounts and payment info.

Role: Writing scalable Script.
Used Technologies: Python, MySql.

  • This script runs within a time period and check new test data from cloud DB of Desktop Application and Insert into Web Application DB.
  • Check & get new test data from Cloud DB of Desktop application, check for duplicacy & multiple image for single test.
  • Identify the Client and Client’s Branch, get selected doctor’s list for particular Branch.
  • Assign doctor automatically (minimum number of test assigned) from selected doctors for branch, assign same doctor if multiple image found for any test.
  • Insert into Web Application DB